Here is the latest Artbook that i got my hands on recently. The artbook of Peter De Seve. I was going through the art section in Borders and once i saw this book i knew it would be a great buy! The cover itself was filled with genuine character, humor and there is a sort of charm to it that attracted me. Upon browsing the contents of the book briefly it was very engaging and inspiring. The book is filled with wonderful sketches and finished watercolor pieces that ranges from magazines and book cover illustrations to animation pre production work that Peter did for big names such as PIXAR, Disney, Ice Age, Robots and many more. Still have yet to finish going through the entire book~

He looks young no? Well guess what he's 51 now!! Take a look at his website Peterdeseve.com and his blog Sketchy Past. :) Here are some shots of the book that i managed to get from the net.

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